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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  February 22, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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thank you for watching this special edition of "360: blade runner." jake tapper is next with more dramatic decisions on the bail decision. another wheel comes off lance armstrong's life as they join will join the doping case. and deadly winter weather is
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back on the move. you'll want to e know if this is headed for you. a busy night ahead. we begin with freedom for now for oscar pistorius. his bail granted. it was not just the whole world was watching. not just that the lead detective was revealed to be a would-be killer. it was all of the above and it came together today. robyn sets the stage. >> reporter: a media frenzy at rush hour. cameras trying to e see what's behind the tinted window.
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>> he was motionless with no idea whether or not he would be granted bail. following final arguments, the magistrate allowed live audio transmission of his ruling, a ruling that detailed the evidence of the case and the history of the laws relating to it. through the almost two-hour presentation, the magistrate criticized the media and chastised the prosecution and picked at the case of the defense for not presenting definitive evidence not giving any clue which way he would rule until finally he presented enough evidence to grant bail. >> he will be released on bail. >> reporter: a short burst of joy from the courtroom, but pistorius was still silent. no reaction, just drained. outside of court that was hanging on each development were mixed about his freedom. >> an innocent woman was murdered. we wanted justice for her.
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we don't believe bail was sufficient at this time. he should have served time for the murder he committed. >> others are sympathetic. >> i'm happy he was given bail. the nation is already divide. the younger generation feel sympathy towards oscar and the older generation feel he should go to jail. >> pistorius is out on bail of $112,000. there are other conditions including he must give up his passport, report to police twice a week, and he can't drink alcohol, which didn't bother his attorney much after the hearing. >> he doesn't drink so that's fine. >> pistorius is barred from going to the scene of the crime. as he was driven off, he knew he could not go home and would be
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staying with his family. the family telling cnn they will be watching him closely during this time. this was just a bail hearing filled with emotion, conflict and overwhelming public interest here setting the scene for the the trial of a revered home country athlete who is charged with the premeditated murder of a young, beautiful model both with a promising life in front of them. no trial date has been set. >> robyn joins us along with diane mccarthy. diane, you were in court today. take us inside. what was it like in there? >> the first thing i can tell you is it was very, very hot. it was very tense and it was very hot. we were all clustered together in this quite small courtroom. together with this emotion that was just sort of reverberating off the walls, everybody was sweating, tense, whispering, quiet.
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>> robyn, that's quite a loquatious judge, he spoke for two hours. is that par for the course for a bail hearing in south africa? >> you know, this whole bail hearing has taken on the facade of the trial within the trial. we have been gripped by all the forensic details and also by the theater of it. and i tweeted today is this bitter or is it thorough? one expert said this is a fair judgment. he had to balance everything, every minute detail of the bail hearing. i think it's a bit of both. i think the judge knew he had literally the world sort of waiting for his every word. we were all gripped. it was very dramatic. >> diane, over the last few days in court, people watched oscar to go from distraught to stoic and withdrawn. what was he like today? >> he was withdrawn.
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if health like he had aged years since we first saw him on friday last week. he got quieter and quieter, head down, eyes down, and really there was very little emotion coming out of him. the only time he really showed a glimmer of anything was when the magistrate spoke about reeva. he fell apart every time he heard her name. when bail was granted, he cried and i think it was just a release of tension. >> of course. thank you so much. as you can tell for south africans, this is an all-consuming story. a magazine called "heat" published reeva's final interview. the headline is i absolutely adore oscar. as you heard in the reporting, there's plenty of adoration. what do they think of the man
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that took her away from them? joining us is reeva steenkamp's cousin, kim martin. our deepest condolences on your loss. it must be very difficult. all our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. obviously oscar pistorius was granted bail today. what's your reaction and what's your family's reaction to that? are you hoping that would happen or would not? >> obviously, we weren't hoping. this is a bail hearing only. we weren't really concerned. we try to concentrate on getting through the last few days and saving our energy for the trial. >> the way that you found out that your cousin had died, you were in the car with your husband, correct? >> it was on one of our local channels. they interrupted the show and the d.j. said they have breaking news. and that they can't confirm what
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has happened, but he kept on saying that over and over and it was taking a long time to get to the story. first he mentioned oscar pistorius and he broke for awhile. i jumped up, my husband jumped up. it's almost like the whole world just stood still for a couple seconds. and at first i thought something had happened to him. then he mentioned my cousin's name. he just said his girlfriend. something had happened to his girlfriend and then he said she had been shot by oscar and he had mistaken her for an intruder. that's when my husband said, turned around, pulled the car out of traffic, turned around and we just sped like crazy. i just remember being -- i was frozen. i was hysterical, i was crying,
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my husband just kept telling me to calm down. i was praying that maybe they were referring to somebody else. >> what did reeva tell you and others in your family about the relationship she had with oscar? >> she wasn't the type of person that would ever boast about the friends she had or the things she was doing. so i never pushed her. i knew that part of her life was something separate to the family. i did meet oscar once briefly. she came down just after new year's eve for a day or two. we went for breakfast. she literally drove in and drove out. i met him very briefly. but i never got a chance to speak to her about the relationship at all. she was going into a different phase with her work and she was getting very busy and she was attending a lot more functions, getting a lot more jobs and we chalted a couple times.
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she just always said i'm very busy. it's crazy here. i'm sorting my life out. she had moved in with a friend of hers. there's a lot going on in her life. i did say to her, are you happy and she said yes but we need to chat. we don't have time. she said next time i'm here, we'll get together and have coffee. but that's not going to happen. >> do you have an opinion of what may have happened? are you convinced of his guilt or innocence? >> for me it's very, very difficult. i have lots of questions, lots and lots of questions. but i believe that when the trial starts, the truth is going to come out and we're going to get to the bottom of this. >> what questions do you have? >> i'd like to ask oscar why he didn't lean over and touch my
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cousin first when he thought somebody else, why didn't he nudge her and say, you know, are you okay, keep quiet, i'm coming now. i just think that's something i would have done. or my husband would have done. i'm sure he would have grabbed me and said, be quiet, there's somebody in the the house. >> what would you like people to know about reeva? what kind of person was she? >> she was the most amazing human being. she was kind to everybody. she was always concerned about everybody else's well being more than her own. she always looked after everybody. nobody got the chance to ever look after him. >> kim martin, our deepest condolences. i hope you find justice and i hope you find success in getting the word out as to who reeva really was. thank you for your time. >> thank you.
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4.8 billion people watched a portion of the 2012 summer olympics. that's billion with a "b" including millions who saw oscar
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pistorius compete. the whole world was watching then and the whole world is watching now. our legal panel is here to talk about what happened today and what's to come. randi kaye will take us inside that courtroom for a closer look. >> reporter: a bail hearing every bit as dramatic as the trial is shaping up to be. >> when i look at the judgment on the bail application -- >> reporter: expected to be a short proceeding, it became a marathon of twists and turns as the magistrate ping-ponged from side to side. >> i have difficulty appreciating why the accused did not ascertain the whereabouts of his girlfriend. >> reporter: he seemed to lean towards the prosecution's case at times. >> i have difficulty that he did not seek to identify who was in the toilet when he could have asked. i have difficulty appreciating why the deceased would not have screamed back from the toilet. >> reporter: at other times he
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seemed to side with the defense. >> i cannot find it has been established that the accused is a flight risk. >> reporter: not all the drama from the magistrate. oscar pistorius sobbed as the magistrate detailed his version of the events the night his valentine died. >> he went downstairs and locked the door and then as he had been advised to take her to the hospital. on his way down, the deceased died in his arms. >> reporter: it seemed to border on self-indulgence. it was as if he was performing. why else would he explain in seven minutes why videotapes were not allowed in court. >> broadcasting has the ability to distort the proceedings. this is dangerous given that audio recordings can be edited in a manner that does not disclose the fact of edits. >> reporter: just when we
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thought we were about to get a decision on his bail, the magistrate called for a break, a break from his own hearing. >> five minutes. thank you. >> reporter: and finally nearly two hours after it all began, a decision, but not before one painfully long pause. >> i have come to the conclusion that the accused has made a case to be released on bail. >> reporter: no question, nobody waited longer to be granted temporary freedom than oscar pistorius. >> criminal defense attorney mark geragos and jeffrey toobin had quite the debate over what would happen today. predictions were made, thrown down, and we know how painful that can be.
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the moment of truth and plenty of insight about what's to come. so mark, you got it right. >> the winner. >> i have to say, i spoke with the brother of the victim and he said without taking a position he thought the facts would indicate that he could not get bail. in a situation like this, one doesn't get bail. >> under south africa law, it takes extraordinary circumstances to get bail in a case this serious. but the thing that really seemed to tip the magistrate's scales was the risk of flight issue. oscar pistorius is so famous and he is obviously so distinctive looking that there's really no way he could flee. and there was nothing the prosecution could say that made him see like a risk of flight. he surrenders his passport, there's no way he's going to flee. that's what made the difference. >> i will say that i think the
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prosecution overplayed this. i think that there was a way that they could have kept him in without bail if they had not taken such an extreme stand that he was a flight risk. and i think when you push the envelope like that, you reduce your credibility and you end up doing exactly what they did with this judge, which is when you ask, where did you hear about that it particular piece of evidence? like he has a house, i heard it somewhere. factor in the other thing that i know jeff and i disagree on, i think it's so incredible that the lead detective is now facing seven counts of attempted murder. i just can't believe that doesn't factor in. the judge is saying i have the lead detective here asking me not to give bail and this guy is out after shooting in a car. >> he talked for two hours and didn't even mention that. how important could it be? >> let's talk about that for a second.
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that was really -- i don't want to be disrespectful to a judge, but that was really odd. >> i thought it was odd, but in a way, i thought it was great. he was being thorough. he was going over the law. he was going over the facts. he had obviously paid very close attention. he understood the arguments for guilt, the arguments not for guilt, the issues of flight. i would rather judges err on the side of being overmeticulous. >> there was a dash of theater at hand. >> he did indicate, i think, why. i think he wanted to make sure nobody was going to misread what he said or edit it out. he was going to it get out everything in his opinion. >> but the key point here, i think, is that this is more than just a big victory for pistorius. it's a huge victory. it's not just getting out on bail. it changes the whole dynamic of
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the case. >> how so? >> because now he can take as long as he wants to prepare for trial. if he were in prison, he would be saying, get this thing going. >> i want closure. it's the worst thing in the world to have a client in custody facing this kind of case. >> delay is almost always the friend of the defense in a criminal case. >> what's the deal with him not being allowed to have alcohol? >> i think the idea always is when you're released on bail, and you've got restrictions, it's always you give up generally any kind of alcohol, drugs, firearms and also have to check in and everything else. those are fairly standard conditions for most releases on bail. >> okay, but you say this at the end of the day, this comes down to forensics. >> that's right. i think the one real gap in this bail hearing was that there was almost no forensic evidence. the entry and exit wounds, the ballistics, how close was pistorius to the victim when this happened. how high were the shots.
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was he really wearing his prosthetic devices or not? those are important parts of the case. we will know a lot more when the prosecution and defense experts start. >> if we actually get to trial. his defense lawyer started making the argument that it was not a premeditated murder that it would be something less than that which was culpable homicide. he's almost telegraphing maybe this is where this case ends up, this is how we plea on this. >> that's the thing that really jumped out at me of the day. south africa, like the united states, has a real culture of plea bargaining. it happens all the time. margaret thatcher's son long ago was charged in south africa with trying to start a war. that was plea bargained away. this does seem to offer the possibility of a plea bargain where pistorius pleads. the only issue in this case is
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intent. everybody knows he killed her. >> it's just a matter of degrees, if you will. it's the same thing you have a lot of times in the u.s. >> the victim's cousin, you heard her. she said something that the judge also said. the unanswered question, any one of us, i would imagine, would hear an intruder, you're going to nudge your wife or your girlfriend or whoever you're in bed with. >> maybe you didn't want to nudge her so she would be startled so somebody would see where she was. we have a tendency here in the u.s., and i know it was the cousin saying it, we have a tendency to project on what our cultural norms on to them. you're talking about somebody -- >> we don't love our spouses more than south africa. >> a gated community where there's a culture of fear where there's this idea people are doing home invasions and that nature. >> you don't represent him right now. i know you're an expert defense attorney. i mean, come on.
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>> if i think somebody is already inside of the the room, i'm not going to turn on lights so they can find me. >> i mean, come on, is exactly the right answer. this is the preposterous part. he says he goes to pick up the fan from the balcony, brings it back in, he then goes into the bathroom. all of which he says it's so pitch black he doesn't even realize that his girlfriend is not in bed. and he doesn't say is that you. >> maybe as preposterous, if not more so, the prosecution theory that with absolutely no history of any kind of a fight other than some witness who is 600 meters away who obviously couldn't hear it, no history of this guy having anything but love for her. he just wakes up in the middle of the night and decides to shoot her while she's on the toilet? >> but domestic violence is a
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fact. the people who get murdered are overwhelmingly likely to be murdered by people they know, especially intimate partners. especially in south africa. >> but i don't know why you assume that it's domestic violence. why is it? >> she had four bullets in her. >> is there -- why can't we assume that maybe it is what he says is plausible? >> is it even a crime in south africa, and you might not know the answer about south africa, to just hear somebody in the bathroom and you just shoot through the door? >> is that a crime, yes. >> that came up quite often in the hearing. that's clearly a crime. it takes only a degree of negligence to be culpable homicide in south africa. and certainly firing through a door without knowing who is behind it is negligence.
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now his defense will be if this gets to trial will be self-defense. but it's going to be a tough argument to make that it's self-defense based entirely on his assumption that someone had crawled through the window when he absolutely had no idea. >> even on self-defense, there's an argument and his lawyer made it, he's still culpable. they call it culpable homicide by definition. it really is not that much different than the u.s. law in terms of the degrees of homicide. >> and very quickly because we're almost out of time. isn't it it common sense he would yell before he would shoot? whoever is in that bathroom, i'm going to shoot? isn't that common sense. >> i will answer that yes. go ahead and make up something. >> here i am, why don't you shoot first? this is somebody who has just been waken out of bed. his life has had to overcome adversity.
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this is somebody who has somebody he loves very much there and wants to take care of her and he's panicked and he has violence done to him in the past. i don't know that it's that crazy as what the prosecution's theory is. >> i mean, come on. >> there's no jury and the judge today said he can't be so sure. >> i think you've made a good case. jeffrey toobin and mark geragos, thank you so much. mark is co-author of "mistrial." we're far from through with this story because there's so much interest. we're devoting a full hour to it. "anderson cooper 360," blade runner, murder or mistake? that's at 10:00 eastern here on cnn. parts of kansas got buried in 22 inches of snow as a massive winter storm makes its way across the country. we'll tell you where it's headed coming up next.
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also boeing is getting their dreamliner back in the air. after they were grounded because of battery fires. what the faa is saying, ahead. all stations come over to mission a for a final go.
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this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. on the medical front there's a new drug to fight advanced breast cancer. a treatment that's not a cure, but it can extend life. that's ahead.
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that major storm we have been tracking all week is heading to new england. just two weeks after a blizzard hit the same area. it's expected to be at its peak saturday night and sunday afternoon. it's dumped more than 20 inches of snow in some areas. karen maginnis has the latest. >> the central u.s. did get hammered with a late winter storm system that produced record-setting snowfall amounts. russell, kansas, 22 inches of snowfall. kansas city shattered their daily snowfall record. they saw nine inches plus of snowfall. look at what happened in wichita, kansas. this was sent from a reporter. she was in her office building and they thought it was an earthquake. she went down and photographed
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these large pieces of ice and snow falling off her building. what can we expect for the weekend? we're watching an area of low pressure that's going to move from the midatlantic to the new england coast. we have been checking on the forecast in boston and the models are not agreeing. could be rain, could be snow, could be a mix. but generally speaking, one of our models from europe says maybe 4 to 8 inches of snow. but interior sections of new england, you might see 8 to 12 inches. it's going to be a messy weekend across new england. and across the southeast, some of the rainfall totals are going to be staggering the next couple days. 4 to 6 inches in the deep south. >> let's get caught up on the other stories we're following. the obama administration urged to strike down the defense of marriage act.
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today was the deadline to file briefs in the challenge to the law. the case is scheduled to be heard march 27th. they are reviewing boeing's proposal to return the dreamliner to flight. that won't happen until they are confident the airline's batteries are safe. the entire flight of 787s were grounded after the batteries on two separate planes failed. the crash along the las vegas strip has triggered a national man hunt. police are looking for suspects who fired shots. he died. his car smashed into a tax si killing the driver and the passenger. new video shows the aftermath of the syrian opposition group killed dozens. the opposition group the national coalition said today its fed up with the world
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ignoring the slaughter and says it will not attend a friends of syria conference in rome. the fda approved a new drug to treat late-stage breast cancer. the therapy is for women with positive breast cancer. it should be available within two weeks. and take a look at this. have you ever seen someone sink a half-court shot like this? that was a flip. she's a cheerleader at william perry university in mississippi. pretty impressive. >> the cart wheel itself is impressive. >> as i am the world's least coordinated person, i'm truly impressed by that. >> time for the shot. the 360 staff is packed with dog lovers. all week i have been showing them my dog playing with his
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dogs at doggy day care. they have a camera to watch what your pooch is up to. i have been checking in all day. it's a bit addictive. we thought we might as well put it in the show. he likes to be noticed. he's outgoing. there he is making friends with the teacher on her leg. sometimes he makes a little bit of a mess there in the corner. i don't know if somebody had to clean that up. winston has his own twitter account. he has more than 1,000 followers. >> here's the deal. i went on twitter and did some snooping around. i found a winston tapper whose favorite tweet is arf. >> there's always a photograph of him. he's up to no good. >> he has attitude. he tweets things like waz up. >> don't be a hater.
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>> i'm not hating. >> hate the game, don't hate the playa. >> you did not just say that. >> we'll pick this up offline. up next, there's new muscle behind a whistleblower lawsuit that could cost lance armstrong millions of dollars. it looked like a settlement was in the works. but the justice department says it will join the suit. what happened? coming up, juliette macur has the back story. little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic
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a woman in the military who was raped by a service member says she was more traumatized by the way the military handled the case than the attack itself. it's the subject of a documentary called "the invisible war". i speak with her and the director when "360" continues. now that's like sunblock before or sun burn cream later. oh, somebody out there's saying, now i get it! take beano before and there'll be no gas.
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here's how lance armstrong's week is ending. settlement talks between his lawyers and the justice department have broken down and now the justice department says it will join the lawsuit that could end up costing the former cyclist a lot of money. millions. the suit accuses lance armstrong and other managers of the cycling team once sponsored by the u.s. postal service of
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defrauding the federal government. armstrong confessed last month in an interview with oprah that he doped for years while racing. the whistleblower lawsuit the government will join was filed two years ago by lance armstrong's former teammate and a fellow doper. he was striped of his 2006 tour de france title after failing a drug test. it comes just days after he refused to cooperate. juliette maker joins me. the government seems to be asking for more than what he wants to give, but at this point, wouldn't it be in his best interest to settle this and put it behind him? >> you're exactly right. that would be the case. that's what armstrong and his lawyers have been trying to do really for the past few weeks
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and several months they have been trying to knock out a settlement and give them $5 million and the government said, you know, we don't think that's enough. so they came to a stalemate and the government joined the lawsuit as a plaintiff to force him to pay more money possibly. >> if this goes to trial, they are going to be a lot more embarrassing details that come out about his doping, which are likely going to tarnish his already tarnished reputation any even, right? >> you would think that was the case, although i find it hard to believe how lance armstrong's reputation can be tarnished anymore or how many more details there are to come. but obviously his lawyers might think that that would be the possibility. but they also don't want to owe $90 million either. they wanted to pay the government off as soon as possible, but they weren't able to knock out the agreement. >> this is characteristic armstrong, putting up a fight, this is what he does.
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>> this is exactly what he's done for the last decade. those who saw the oprah interview last month where he confessed, he wasn't humble throughout the whole interview. maybe some pieces here and there, but he doesn't know what the word humility is. he's defiant and looks like he will be defiant for years to come. >> floyd landis, the whistleblower in this case, who lance armstrong publically scorned for years, he may end up with a payout helped by the federal government because of what happened today, right? >> it's a huge help that the government joined the case as a plaintiff. i have been told that the government wins or settles 80% of the cases they join. so floyd has a big chance of winning a lot of money if he does stay apart of the case. it's a possibility he's thrown out as a plaintiff. it does happen in some cases.
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for all those years that armstrong called him a drunk and mentally ill and all the things that weren't true, landis could possibly get the sweetest revenge. >> this is just the tip of the iceberg. >> it is already. armstrong is dealing with several civil lawsuits against him. one for $12 million. he has about $125 million in the bank and that's going to be dwindling quite quickly. >> tell me what you think his strategy is in refusing to settle with the federal government more than $5 million. >> believe me, your guess is as good as mine. he has many, many lawyers, many spin doctors, dealing with all these kinds of things.
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all this money and all the p.r. that has to do with it. i'm not sure what his strategy is. i think maybe he's thinking he's losing money quite quickly and has no sponsors. they all abandoned him a couple months ago when the anti-doping agency report came out. he doesn't think there's going to be enough money to go around. >> thank you so much. coming up, a documentary film nominated for an academy award raises serious questions about how the military handles cases of service members who get sexually assaulted by their fellow troops. i speak with the director of "the invisible war" and one of the rape victims profiled in the film. nced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night
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>> they made it very, very clear that if i said anything they were going to kill me. and then i didn't have anyone to talk to because the people that were perpetrating me were the police. >> earlier this week i spoke with the director and one of the women profiled in the documentary. >> this documentary really digs into the dire situation these women and some men face after they are sexually assaulted. for those who have not seen the documentary, tell us how large you think this problem is and why you think it's so under the radar. >> according to the department of defense own estimates, 19,000 men and women are sexually assaulted each year in the u.s. military. if you multiplied that out past several decades, you're looking at hundreds of thousands, close to a million men and women assaulted over several generations. it's extensive and it's been
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really covered up for all this time. i think the military has been unwilling and to really confront it has this problem. whenever something came out about this, it has reacted by first denying it and then blaming the victims, trying to discredit them. then saying it's a localized problem and then saying they fixed it and they haven't. >> kory, you went through a horrible ordeal. you were raped. tell us about the difficulties you went through with the military after your experiences. >> after the experience, my trauma, it was horrible. it was almost even more traumatizing than the rape itself. i pretty much was not a shipmate anymore. i became the bad person. it wasn't the predator that was who to go after. i was attacked. i became the target.
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i was no longer seen as a shipmate. i was a whistleblower, somebody to stay away from. it was funny for him to do what he did to me and they kept pushing me and didn't give me the help i needed. it was a horrible experience. >> what did they say to you exactly? did they claim you were making it up? did they say you just -- boys will be boys and you need to deal with it? what exactly was the response for them to justify their behavior? >> when i first reported the rape and i walked into my chief, he said he was not going to bring in coast guard investigators until their training was over so we were where officers come in and
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train. they needed my perpetrator to train them. so they weren't going to bring in any kind of investigators until that was over with. and when the investigators came in, they told me i was not going to put rape on my statement. if i did, i would be falsifying a government document and put in the brig. he said the sex was consensual but admitted to hitting me during it. so they were going to proceed with assault charges and inappropriate relationship charge. >> i want to play a clip from the film. let's take a look. >> when you report something, you better be prepared for the repercussions. >> if a man gets accused of rape, it's a setup. the woman is lying. >> my friend catching him raping me, they still didn't believe me. >> i reported it two different times to my squad leader. he told me that there's nothing he can do about it because i didn't have proof. >> these woman seem to have hit a wall. even punished when it comes to reporting the abuse. after this documentary was released, what has changed for these women and do you think it's enough?
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>> well, what happened is several months after the documentary came out, secretary panetta did institute some very important first steps. he elevated the decision to investigate and prosecute these crimes from the level of unit command tore the level of colonel or navy captain. he kept it within the chain of command. that's a conflict of interest. it has to be outside where experienced prosecutors are making this decision. right now we have 86% of men and women aren't reporting. if these men and women don't report, these perpetrators, which by the way most assaults are caused by serial predators, they go on to assault again and again. >> kori, you really opened yourself up in this documentary. you even read out loud a suicide note you had written. what lessons are you hoping that women entering the military now can learn from your experiences? >> well, i hope they watch "the invisible war" so they can learn
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the statistics and what's happening to people and that it could happen to them. i never thought this would ever happen to me. and it did. it ruined everything that i had planned in my life. so i hope that they watch the movie and consider what changes have been done and if it's fit for them. >> the documentary is "the invisible war." it's one of the nominees for the academy award for best documentary. thank you so much for speaking with us tonight. >> thank you. and we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the next wave of italians has come to america, and the fiat 500 with beats audio
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